
Touring the southwest with my dogs !

Hey all I'm on the road since last Fri. why I haven't posted, can I tell ya fun fun fun! I will post details about our trip at Kiapet.com for the meantime here are a couple picts..

I will have to report I have been doing the Subway sandwich shop tour ( 5 so far, 4 get AAA+ service, Kanab was the best), and I luv there places, except the location in Page AZ, can you say what idiot workers, I walk in this gal ab out 17yrs has a list of 20+ sandwiches for some team, and she's on #3 one guy working... I stand there for 5-10min waiting waiting, he then yells in the back, some gal comes out, asks the gal ok what's next.... then a lady walks in, so the guy yells again, she comes out and just about starts to put the crap into a bag for the team broad, I then open my mouth ( it's 90 in the truck and Kia and Pancho are waiting) and say, hello, but I think me and this gal don't want to wait 20min while you 3 make all her stuff and I have dogs in the car, so make my one lil 6" now ! and the lady next to me smiles and says to me, nice work, amazing how clueless these kids are ! so back to ok food and under $5 can't beat it unless you dine on the .99 double cheese burgers from McDonalds !!!

have not found a store to check on the iphone as of yet, but I'm sure in Phx I will, were in Flagstaff AZ at the moment in a dive hotel, great bed, clean room and only $48 out the door, and they are dog friendly, called the American INN at 2650 E Route 66 ( Historic Route 66 ), Flagstaff, AZ FREE wireless the rest of the places charge !

I will leave ya with a kool tip on a very nice FREE program mac/pc to edit fun stuff on your picts, they have beta mode and it's awesome if your not the best at graphics ! It's called Skitch ! TRUST me this program ROCKS !
