
turning change into Amazon.com

So I took a bottle of pennies, nickels and dimes to my local food4less, they have a coinstar change machine, very kool indeed. I dumped all my spare change and walked out with a Amazon gift card of $130.32 cannot complain about that.. so I shoot photography, always needed a LARGE reflector, they are only $30ish, so I logged into Amazon.com and bought one, how kool.

This was 3 days ago roughly, today at the office I get a knock from a guy with a HUGE box, I think hummm... what can it be.... O yeah it has to be.. well check out the pict, they used a HUGE box 38" cubed to ship me this reflector that is 20" in diameter. Check it out in the pict next to the box it came in...

Things that make you go HUmmmmmmmmmm


By Nature dog Food $2 off Coupon !

Hey all,

Here is $2 of of your next purchase of Organic dog food from By Nature ! Also if you go HERE you can sign up and for every 10 bags of good you get a free bag !!!

Can't beat the deal and PetSmart carries this food, Blue Seal as been making pet food for over 140yrs and they actually own there own facility and use human veggies etc !

I LUVE this stuff !

Coupon to print!


Dog tangled in fence wants to go home with cop that saved him !

Gotta luv this dog, cop saves him and dog takes off, then come to find out dog jumped in cops car to go for ride !


Cops kicking cyclists in LA

All I can say is after watching this video I have to wonder how the cop that did this is not Instantly fired on the spot, watch this clip what do you think. Heck the camera guy gets knocked down as well, but the random cyclist that was kicked to the ground that's amazing to me.


Bret Michaels Cowboy hats all over the news

Hey Hey all, So I found the cowboy hats that Brett Michaels has been wearing on the celebrity apprentice on NBC, he's been kinda wearing a white with black roman cross one alot, also a kool new one with a spark plug the last two episodes, now I sure hope he keeps his health as I see he just had a mild stroke and is on blood thinner while they figure out a solution for the hole he has in his heart, so crazy. All my best to him and his family and I hope he WINS the show !!! He's a good guy from what I have seen, that Holly is quick to talk shit about the others and she thinks she's so entitled to it all, remember she was pissed years ago about her whole deal then after much therapy came around and supports it all, but I was told she almost filed for divorce.

Back to Brett Michaels hats, I see they are only $80 at TeamDiva.com and she sells via Etsy so if you want to get the actual hat go to the links, I like she's not raping people for killer Handmade hat like others try and do.

I also noticed that in People Magazine he had Miley Cyrus with him and she had on a hat that Diva Amy made as well, I'm guessing that she made a grip of hats for him and she picked one from his stash so that's kool he's a nice guy. Here is that hat she's wearing.

Enjoy !

Rene Bruce


Bradley LaborMan from Idump4u is a Turd!

The ass I helped for 2yrs and have given him tons of free Razor scooter and skateboard stuff for his kids youth what ever... then also sent him 3 cameras he was supposed to buy with $$ he was getting from what not.. then I even lent him a Mac and he was gonna edit a wedding video promised for 3 months and then cried like a lil girl about some Iowa fantastic what not thing he was so busy blah blah, so I had to do the video told him send me the mac or $300 bucks.. and guess what NOT a thing from that scum con ! He also started this idump4u site as he said long ago if I helped him with equipment etc he would give me 10% of his earnings as he had all this stuff lined up but needed some help till he got a grant and some other $$ from some reality show, all Lies.. what a slob ! O check this out too http://idump4u.blogspot.com/ the funny thing is the idump4u is a kool idea but I'm sure he stole it too....

Bradley your a crook & Liar now I know why your alone and can't get married and just eat yourself into the couch you FAT lazy bastard !