
turning change into Amazon.com

So I took a bottle of pennies, nickels and dimes to my local food4less, they have a coinstar change machine, very kool indeed. I dumped all my spare change and walked out with a Amazon gift card of $130.32 cannot complain about that.. so I shoot photography, always needed a LARGE reflector, they are only $30ish, so I logged into Amazon.com and bought one, how kool.

This was 3 days ago roughly, today at the office I get a knock from a guy with a HUGE box, I think hummm... what can it be.... O yeah it has to be.. well check out the pict, they used a HUGE box 38" cubed to ship me this reflector that is 20" in diameter. Check it out in the pict next to the box it came in...

Things that make you go HUmmmmmmmmmm