
Apple iPhone hype or not, part 2 of ???

OK, I have to say I have stopped at 1 Sprint Store to check out the new Samsung Instinct phone, and Wow... all I can say is, what an AHole of an employee at that location on 17th/55 in Tustin, I walked in at 7:20pm door wide Open, one guy standing behind counter flipping paperwork, tells me, well we close at 7pm do you need something quick. I laugh to myself, say yeah I'd like to just take a look at an instinct, his response was kinda like I just walked to the white house and said, ( I need to chat with George W. Bush) he says NO we don't have them, even I can't get one, will be a couple weeks, I say, wow that sucks.. I see sprint slamming iphone all over town, so I would think they would get some stock out to you guys. He says nothing. Also I couldn't help but notice the lady that pulled up in the Benz just in front of the store, she walked right in and he didn't tell her he was closed, haha.. The guy really is not smart, as he should have asked me if I wanted to get one, be put on a list, or be called, or anything, he could care less about me !!! Well that's strike 1, Sprint Instinct !

Apple Store up Next ! or maybe AT&T store, who knows....

Rene Bruce
ps. some interesting links, one thanx to an old pal Toby Taylor that has a version 1.0 and luv it !




Paris Hilton Responds to McCain

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

OK OK, I have to say this is interesting, makes Paris Hilton look much smarter then John McCain, haha !

What can I say, people that luv dogs get my attention !


Rene Bruce
PS. even on the AP site !

iphones are they just hype or are they worth the money! Post 1 of ???

Ok, I luv Apple.com products, I've been a user of that brand for about 15years, my good friend owns a mac store, called The Mac Guy's, Kiapet.com was a featured .mac profile 1 of 7 for a few years, and I LUV my 12" G4 laptop, iweb the software is the best thing since sliced bread ! Now with all that out of the way I also want to say, I really don't care for Sprint they screwed me yrs ago for $800, I had AT&T Wireless for many many years and they were great, but when the 1,000min for $39 (Tmobile) came out I jumped ship as the $99 unlimited was not something I really needed.

Now this post will actually be TWO parts, 1.0 will be me just doing some basic views based off of what I have seen on TV and online. Part 2 I will go to stores and try the phones in person then report my 2 cents worth!

OK here's what I have seen on TV, the iphone is $200 ish, you have to pay for text, web etc.. I've hear figures about it being pretty expensive. Sprint has a new phone by Samsung called the Instinct, it seams to do about all the iphone does, except it is $99 a month unlimited, everything. Pretty much a no brainer if you ask me, along with some type of Mobile TV service included, not that I want to watch TV on a tiny screen, but the text (iphone can't send pict text messages to other phones) emails and surfing the web I would think seams to be mostly what people want !

iphone is $199 or $299 and the plan is $129 unlimited, then extra $20 if you want Text, total of $149.00 a month minus the extra taxes etc. this equals $1,788.00 a yr. Not counting taxes etc.

instinct is $129.00 and the plan is $99.00 unlimited everything total of $1,188.00 a year, saving $600.00 Not counting taxes etc.

Now if you want to check out direct comparison of the two phones click here, keep in mind both phones are NOT apples to apples, but you will notice the apple iphone falls short in many areas, the main area I see being, the fact that you CANNOT change your battery in the iphones, and the samsung you can ( I have a T509 samsung now for yrs and it's a great tiny phone served me well and I will keep until it dies) the other thing, the instinct does video ! No I will have to say, both phones to me are weak in the camera area as they both have a horrible 2meg camera, come on, 4-8meg would be nice, then I wouldn't have to carry my camera with me 24/7, I also would luv if samsung or apple made them waterproof like my Olympus 770 SW, it is very easy for them to do, but they want to sell more phones so I see this NEVER happening. No back from my rant, don't get me wrong, the iphone must be good, I just think people are like lemmings at times and just follow without doing there research. I have to say many years ago I was on pacbell cell, then went to LA Cellular when I moved back to OC, then I was on a rep trip in AZ saw a billboard that said, Cell NO long distance NO roaming charges, I was like wth, it was AT&T wireless, so I called the number, and they said well you have to have an AZ number I said isn't there any CA numbers, they said well I see Ventura, that's a 818 number I said, I don't care, hell I'm not paying any roaming or long distance so big deal. I signed on the spot and it must have taken 2-3yrs before I saw anyone else I knew sign up for the same type deal, people just don't like to change I guess. The best move I made, I can only imagine how much I saved over the years. so 5-6yrs ago I changed again, went to T-Mobile at $39 a month as I don't travel so much any more, and you can't beat the price. It runs on the AT&T towers so same system.

OK back to iphone hype or not, I say save yourself a ton of money and go check the samsung instinct then compare to the iphone and see what you come up with, let me know ! I will be store window shopping this week and let ya know what I find out in person !

Rene Bruce

ps. below are some helpful links





Best all around camera!

Hi All, OK, so I have not posted in a long time, I've been busy with a long list of things, including helping my friend ( I built and maintain TeamDiva.com) also update Kia's site and blog 24/7 as well as now have a second dog Named Pancho Villa that someone dumped on my street at my office. Along with my new site TopBroadcasters.com and the list is long. So I will now blog at least once a week, maybe more !

Now back to my topic, I luv this new camera I bought last year, its my replacement for the Olympus stylus 400 that served me great for many yrs ( the 400 was water resistant) the new Olympus 770sw (click the link on the lower right amazon ad to buy this kool camera) it is insane I payed over $350.00 for it at amazon, now they have it at $199.00 they now have a new version at 10meg, not really needed, anyhow back to the 770, it works great above water, under water ( 33') u can drop it, freeze it etc... The picts come out great, and I luv this thing at the beach, I really see NO reason to buy any other camera unless it's like a 35mm pro style ( Canon 40d is what most my shots at ReneBruce.com are shot with, I have used Canon Cameras since 1982 I luv the brand). The 770 fits in your pocket and is easy to use(about the size of a pack of smokes, NO kidding) you can even put this baby in your purse or back pocket and not worry about the LCD screen being broke, this baby is TOUGH!!! I can't tell ya enough GO BUY this unit NOW, also only get the 1gig H card, NOT the M series. if you go look at Kiapet.com you will notice most of my picts are shot with this unit as are the videos! I give this 11 Stars !

Rene Bruce